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·Culture has a splash of ethnic minorities: Dai ethnicity
·Jilin Songhua Lake
·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world
·Sea Guilin Ha Long Bay
·Wudangzhao Lamasery
·All kung fu in the world originated from the Shaolin Temple
·Lotus flower in summer
·Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: Cherish life to stay away from drugs
·Yixing Zishahu
·Hulunbuir Prairie: purest land in China
·Hemu, the beautiful back garden of Kanas
·Lama Temple: the most popular of Beijing's temples
·Panjin Wetland, the heaven for Aves
·Nice food of China: Hunan cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Shanghai Cuisine
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·Beating between light and shad...
·Models of Chongqing Internatio...
·Erotic China\'s top ten wonder...
·Chinese Paper Cutting: a long ...
·Velvet ring: the head of the c...
·Traces of Han Chang\'an City i...
·Tiger-head shoes: Chinese trad...
·Xi\'an old street impression
·The largest of Swan winter hab...
·Vietnamese folk songs and danc...
·Old photos of Chinese history:...
·Prayer flags in the wind danci...
·Shanghai 2010 Biennale
·Traditional Chinese Festival: ...
·Beijing opera: Monkey Wars mon...
·History old photos of Expo
·Expo poster
·Ambilight night of Expo
·Yanbian Bull of Jilin Province...